#SBWAgencyLife in October 2024

‘Don’t Be Missed’ Lung Cancer campaign

Our NHS Targeted Lung Health Check campaign is now live, encouraging people in South East London aged 55-74 who have ever smoked to book their free check when invited. When caught early, lung cancer can often be effectively treated, but unfortunately most eligible patients miss out on this opportunity by ignoring their free screening invitation. Partnering with South East London Cancer Alliance (SELCA), we developed a insight-driven, powerful campaign highlighting the life-saving impact of early detection and importance of not missing this important health check, while also encouraging families and friends to nudge their loved ones to book and attend when invited.

Kicking things off with the Office for National Statistics

This month marked the start of an exciting partnership between SBW and ONS. We will be supporting them with the development of highly engaging comms to relaunch the Integrated Data Service (IDS) platform. Creating a central hub of high-quality accessible data, the IDS enables faster, wider and more collaborative analysis of data for the public good – ultimately creating a step change in the way data about our society and economy are made available for vital research and decision making in the UK. We kicked things off with a trip to their amazing Newport office and after a very robust security check and an in-depth introduction to the platform, we left feeling incredibly inspired and cannot wait to get started.

Spooktacular Bring-a-Dish Event

After the success of our Summer Bring-a-Dish, we held another event with the theme of spooky treats and scarily spicy curries in the spirit of Halloween. From frightful focaccia to vampirish vindaloos, the office was simmering with culinary creativity, and safe to say we were spookily well fed! A big well done to our winners Elinor and Rich for spooking the house down with their creepy treats!

Welsh Youth Parliament

Early October saw the rapid development and launch of a digital campaign for the Welsh Youth Parliament (WYP). The objective was to increase candidate nominations for their upcoming elections among 13-17 year-olds across Wales. Our week-long campaign generated over 640k social impressions and more than 2,000 visits to the WYP website, resulting in a record number of nominations!

A bright future for our Creative Industries

We always love the opportunity to meet with the next generation of creative industry professionals, and this month Richard, our Head of Client Services, visited the University of South Wales to meet their latest advertising students. As part of the talk, Richard had the chance to inspire them by discussing campaigns for the good stuff’ and providing them with a brief to develop as part of their 3rd year course work and to help build portfolios for when they start their careers. Good luck to all final year students!

The Art (and Science) of Social Media

Elinor and Lauren took a trip to Swansea for this year’s Social Media Conference Cymru. The day was packed with insights into future trends and the power of bilingual design to broaden reach. The rest of us got a slice of the knowledge with a special Lunch & Learn, where the team shared their top takeaways and trends from some of the UK’s leading brands and social media experts.