Talk With Me

Children’s brains are amazing!

When you play, listen, and talk with a child, something amazing happens – their brains light up, make connections, and grow.

The “Talk with me” campaign aims to encourage parents to talk more with their child and help develop their speech, language, and communication skills. The campaign visually demonstrates the connections between talking with our children and neurons ‘lighting up’ and connecting in their brains.

Campaign summary

“When you talk with me, you light up my mind and help my brain grow…”

When dealing with such a challenging subject, we knew we had to hit the right tone with all our communications.

With the support of Welsh Government, we partnered with behaviour specialists BIT, who are experts at identifying challenges, insights, and motivations which influence behaviour in target groups. We worked closely with them on this research before moving on to what we do best – interpreting these insights into a compelling, engaging, results-driven campaign.


The campaign is ongoing and we are monitoring all activity, which is showing positive trends. Our interim campaign November 2021 – March 2022 achieved the following:

  • 7% increase in campaign awareness.
  • 43,668 clicks to the campaign page during the interim period through Google, Facebook, and Pinterest.
  • +925 followers on Talk with me Facebook channel.
See more work
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