TriTech Institute

A new identity for Hywel Dda UHB’s research and innovation

Within our incredible NHS are many moving parts – from those on the ground delivering vital patient care, to those pushing forward groundbreaking research and innovation. With industry-leading engineers, scientists and clinicians, Hywel Dda University Health Board rapidly moves new medical technologies into trials so that patients can access the best, most up-to-date care.

The Board’s commercial arm consists of two distinct bodies working side by side to deliver future focused care. Our brief was to create a single parent brand that encompassed their common values, unifying their offering. After much in-depth research and consultation, we developed the name and brand for the TriTech Institute – a unique and innovative support service which facilitates technological advances within the NHS.

We worked closely with the Hywel Dda UHB team to create a name for the service.

‘TriTech’ combines two elements:

-‘Tri’ to represent the organisations 3 core services – clinical engineering, research and innovation, and value-based healthcare;
– ‘Tech’ refers to the technological advances the organisation is pushing forward within the healthcare sector.

Alongside the name creation, we developed a full visual and verbal identity with a fresh, modern and expert feel. A dynamic, bilingual website was also created, together social media channels and a full rage of marketing and comms assets  ready for promotion national and international campaigns.

Since September 2020, the TriTech Institute has taken off, helping them realise their ultimate goal: ensuring that technology is used within the NHS, to save lives each and every day.

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